I'm back with the new blog hope u like it ☺️ read till the last line.
WHAT IS "Data Breach"
Data breach is an incident where sensitive and confidential data is accessed by unathorised people .It is invariably done without the knowledge of person who owns the system. A data breach may be accidental or the result of deliberate attack.
The amount of damage incurred depends on the data stolen by cyber criminals.
A data breach is the result of deliberate cyber attack in which cyber criminals gain unathorised acces to systems and network .and steal sensitive ,confidential and financial data of users .
IF by mistake, a private group or a government agency puts up sensitive information on internet,it is known as accidental data breach. Most accidental breaches happen when we give out information not knowing how sensitive or important the matter is .
Data breach is also called as an exploit for data breach,an attacker takes advantage of small bugs or vulnerabilities in different software to gain access to the system and it's confidential data. The vulnerabilities lie hidden within code of software ,which these criminals abuse . They soe. Times use automated exploit kits to make things easier
What is threat?
Stolen data generally ends upon on d@rkweb ,a part of internet that most people never see. criminals use this d@rk web to traffic illegal goods.
generally when they attack, cyber criminals steal names , email addresses, user names ,passwords, credit card details , bank and other accounts details, etc..
How can you protect yourself ?
there is no one security product that will control or prevent all data breaches. The most reasonable means to prevent data breach involves common scense security practices.
Here are few tips for that ,
- Use strong and secured passwords.
- secure your phones with passwords.
- use only secured URL's.
- install antivirus and antimalware software on your systems .
- Avoid sharing to much personal information on social media.
- Do not open mails from suspecious accounts.
- Always maintain backup data.
- and main thing to remember when you are going to change your used mobile wipe off all your data before getting rid of that old phone.